Painting and Photography

Studio N1 - Rogue Artist Studios, Manchester


Asked recently if there is a connection between my painting and photographic activities, I replied that this is something I've not yet put my finger on.


However, on reflection, I've realised the connection, is me!


Simply, the painting is an internal process of my mind's eye - whereas, my photography requires external input; observing and seeing.


In the case of painting, I confine myself to a particular space; my studio and workbook. I don't use any external visual information,  but instead work with my own internal thoughts and questions; playing and experimenting in an attempt to find something original.


The photography demands that I get outside for a bit and get some fresh air, to be in the world and be directly influenced by it. It's like a game of free association. When a scene resonates with something I've previously internalised, something I've read about, heard of, or seen on TV etc., it prompts me to try and make a picture.


I have days when I go to the studio and paint for a while. Then I go off into town for a walk around with my camera, stop and have a coffee, read my book, and then step out in a different direction.


We all have an inner and outer life, it's nice to keep them in balance and refreshed. So, for myself, I find painting and photography to be very complimentary.

